The Moffett Golf Team Cabe Jones General Managercjones@moffettgolf.com650-386-0720 Denise Thompson Director of Food & BeverageEvents Coordinatordthompson@moffettgolf.com650-386-0727 Greg Brown, PGA Associate Head Golf Professionalgbrown@moffettgolf.com650-386-0720 Patrick Click Golf Course Superintendent pclick@moffettgolf.com650-386-0720 Casey Hall, LPGA Director of Player Development / Golf Events Managerchall@moffettgolf.com650-386-0720 Sue Petersen Administrative Assistantap@moffettgolf.com650-386-0720 CONTACT US Please enable JavaScript in your browser to complete this form.Name *FirstLastEmail *Phone *CommentSubmit